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A$ 818

(August to June)

Want to be part of something special? We will be introducing full day tours around the Upper Swan River.

Sustainable and eco friendly waterways

The lower Swan River ones was just an estuary, its name is Derbal Yerrigan. There was no connection to the ocean and it lived its own eco life. The upper reaches of the Swan was a river, but flattened out around, what we call today, Perth Waters.

When Perth was settled back in 1829, Fremantle became the main port and the estuary was opened up. The freshwater soon became brackish (salt and freshwater combined) as it mixed with the ocean.

The Swan River was the only transport form up to Perth and Guildford before the railway was built. The river was unfortunately used as a dumping ground, which was normal back in the day, and we can still see remnants from that to this day.

Today we know better. And we have a lot of beautiful and caring people who look after our wild life and waterways. If you want to do your bit to help out, please bring your family along to one of the many River Clean Up events along our fantastic river

The Indigenous people of Perth, the Whadjuk Noongar people, lived off the river and bush tucker found on land. They were no boat people, but the river had and still has a significant meaning to them.

Keep up to date via our partner SupTonic Australia on their website –  Click HERE
