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“Rover” in the Daily News, 5 February 1912

“When will the people of Perth awake to the fact that they posses one of the most beautiful rivers in the world?

The Swan is not appreciated as it ought to be. It should be patronised by thousands where it is now patronised by hundreds. It should be, in a sense, the great playground of our people.

All it’s shores and reaches should teem, on public holidays and weekends, with happy men and women and children drinking in the health and vigor that lurk in it’s refreshing breezes …
we come from a race into whose soul has entered the spirit of the sea, and after all, our beautiful Swan is not so much a river as an arm of the ocean stretching out lovingly towards us, as if claiming comradeship.”


This is where Nauti Picnics comes in. We help activate the Perth Waters as well as the Upper reaches of the Swan by allowing people without their own boat to explore the vast Swan River, without a skipper’s ticket.
The Swan and Canning River offer a huge option of history, entertainment and nature.

Swan Valley is renowned as one of WA’s best tourism attraction with an average of 40,000+ visitors a week. With an 8 hour hire, Nauti can offer a different view into the Valley.
Nauti Picnics will open up a potential for residents and business along the river to serve hirers directly from their own backyard, offering local produce and experiences on the waterway.

If you would like to jump on board with us, write about Nauti and need some more info, please contact Yvonne Larsen on


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